Latest immigration rules implemented from the 24th Nov, 2016 will require resident labour market test  (RLMT) to be carried out before a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is issued to any migrant Nurses using Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code 2231.

The SOC code 2231 Nurses is still on the shortage occupation list (SOL) and therefore any request for Unrestricted CoS is going to be given priority over other occupations which are not on the SOL.

The RLMT criteria remains the same which is advertising the vacancy for 28 days, at two sources, one of which must be Universal Jobmatch.

When the RCoS limit is reached, nurses, medical radiographers and paramedics will be given extra points in the allocation process from 24 November 2016. This extra weighting will remain in place until July 2019.  In addition to it they will also be exempt from the increased salary threshold for new Tier 2 General entrant; which is being phased – £25,000 from 24 November 2016 to £30,000 from April 2017.

For full details please visit the following link which lists statement Of changes in immigration rules.